Vampires, werewolves, shapeshifters OH MY!...keep it real with the underworld, and world of the unknown, also known as female teendom
This is my dream boy, too bad he is fake

This is my dream boy, too bad he is fake
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The ecsatsy of the blood exchange ended very fast, when Vincent pulled away and held her down. His expression changed from loving to hurt and betrayed. His eyes burning with fury, he started talking loud and fast, asking her why she had not told him earlier what had happened to her, he was demanding answers from her, His hold started getting tighter and tighter on her wrist, but he didnt even seem to notice, he was angry. How could he be angry with her? She had been attacked, she started yelling back and was getting hurt by the words and the way he was treating her. He should be more loving and caring and be concerned not angry, His grip getting harder and harder, the corner of her eyes started tearing, this was her attacker all over again. He did not even see her distress or ignored it he was so caught up, she did not know what to do she wanted it to stop, she started to panic, she raised her knee and slammed it as hard as she could into his lower stomach. He lost his grip and flipped onto his back, she ran from the bed, where such short time ago they were sharing intimate thoughts, wants, and desires, where she had felt so safe. She did not run far, she leaped into the bathroom that is attached to the bedroom. She examined her wrists and saw purple marks circling each, but she was more frighten when she looked into the mirror and saw herself, she looked terrified, paler than usual, her eyes looked alarmly large and brighter compared to her white face, she did not look like herself. Slowly the door started to open and Vincent slowly walked in, She involuntarily backed into the sink like a defenseless animal, he must have seen the marks, or her expression because the lines on his hard face ceased and his head drooped. She was so exhausted and defeated she could not look at him, he was her lover and he was her protector, how could he make her feel so terrified after he saw how she was attacked from her own mind? He started to speak, his voice came out cracked, low, and full of shame, but she did not care, she brushed past him almost knocking him off his feet, went start for her bed took his pillows and threw them into the living room, yes this may have been a tad bit dramatic, but she was proud of herself for doing it with a straight face and not letting her emotions get the complete best of her just yet. With that she went to her side of the bed and wrapped the covers around her like a cacoon and starred at the wall, slowly letting tear after tear slide down her face. She woke up the next morning to the sun pouring in her windows in an orangey hue and with the warmth the sun brought, lighten up her face. She got up and walked into the living room to grab her laptop and book, where she found Vincent laying flat on his back on the couch, his hair ruffled as if he was running his fingers through it roughly, his black button down shirt was wrinkly and completely unbottoned showing his white and very nicely toned body, and his eyes looked tired as if he had not slept a wink, which was probably the case. Right as she stepped into the room his face popped up and he was on his feet, she did not move or take her eyes off him as he approached her, she was happy by the way he looked he deserved to be upset and all in a tiffy over the events of last night, but his eyes showed a look of true worry and saddness, She never knew how he felt by just looking at him he could always keep his composure but after 100 years she could tell by the look of his eyes, his eyes never lied. He stopped inches away from her, looking at her face, wrists, and body but not making eye contact. Then he moved his arm towards her and his hand slowly reached towards her face, he was making sure she would know break it first, she still did not move even though this gesture sent heat tingles through her body, he gently stroked her face, she laid her hand on top of his and finally he formed a steady gaze with her eyes, and grabbed the other side of her face, he pulled her face to his and kissed her, it was a deep kiss that left her breathless, she wrapped her arms around his body so her hands laid on the smalls of his back, slowly tracing their way up towards his shoulders. When he finally broke away from her, he still calmly held her face between his strong, soft hands, she took a step back and took his hand and lead him and herself into the bedroom, where she layed on her side and wrapped his arm around her body so their bodies matched like puzzle pieces into eachother, he slid his other arm under her neck and softly kissed the side of her face. Just laying on their bed in slience for what felt like days, for they did not need words, they knew eachother so well, Words were just explainations between them, their mood and action showed how they felt and loved eachother. After some time he moved closer into her body and whispered into her ear, how much he loved her and how sorry he was, he did not mean to hurt her physically or emotionally, he was so scared by what he saw, how close to death she was, and how he could have let this happen. He blamed himself, He told her that they were trying to hurt him, that many people were trying to hurt him and that he was so sorry she had to get in the middle of it, he promised he would not let it ever happen again. She did not know at first how he saw all those images of her attack, because she usually could hide a couple images, thoughts or feelings from him, but this time she had let them slip and hoped he did not see her leopard, but would not ask if he had or had not. She just stayed there in his arms for a while, not wanted this to end, even though they fought like animals and he did hurt her, they truly loved each other, two poweful forces that love eachother will clash but if they abandon eachother everytime they clash then the powerful forced will lose their strength, because the power she has is part of him and his power is part of her, they are part of eachother.
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